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Cancer Research and Rehabilitation

For the last 10 years, 5Rhythms has been part of the rehabilitation program offered to cancer patients at Aarhus University Hospital in Aarhaus, Denmark. In collaboration with the Danish Cancer Association, 5Rhythms teachers Annette Uhlemann and Jan Redsted have also offered 5Rhythms introductions and workshops for cancer patients and their relatives, hospital personal and researchers.

In 2014, the scientific research unit of South Denmark invited Annette and Jan to start a scientific examination of the effect and experience of the 5Rhythms. This smaller pilot study on 5Rhythms was initiated on the basis of existing knowledge on the importance of the body-mind connection, which is often times overlooked within the traditional healthcare context.

Consequently, the aim of this study was to explore how patients with cancer describe their experience when participating in 5Rhythms. In collaboration with the Regional Hospital and Center for Scientific Research and Healthcare, they worked for 3 months with a group of 20 cancer patients of different ages and at different stages of illness. Participants were encouraged to write in a personal journal when they felt inspired to and after each individual dancing session. Included in each journal was a page of inspirational questions to evoke reflective thoughts and inspire note-taking. Two focus groups were performed during the 10 weeks using a semi-structured interview-guide with a few open-ended questions about bodily experiences, psyche, faith and existential matters.

In March 2017, Jan and Annette started a new scientific research in collaboration with the Regional Hospital and Center for Scientific Research and Healthcare in Vejle. For 2 months, 20 cancer patients and their relatives will participate in a weekly 2-hour 5Rhythms class. They were invited to write in a personal journal and participate in short-lived creative based data collection directly after the class.

These projects opened the door for other research projects and we are now planning ways to offer the 5Rhythms to hospital staff and Employees.

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Moving towards holistic rehabilitation
– A qualitative study exploring how people diagnosed with cancer and cancer survivors experience a dance- like intervention

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Anne-Mette Honoré Grauslund, Jette Ammentorp, Connie Timmermann

© 2023 The Authors. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Nordic College of Caring Science.


Rehabilitation that supports the individual on the journey back to their usual selves after cancer treatment becomes increasingly important. Studies have shown that a focus on the connection between body and mind might be beneficial. Consequently, Whole Person Care and initiatives that fall in line with this holistic approach to health care, such as a dance-like intervention needs further examination. The aim of this study was to explore the qualitative aspects of 5Rhythms® as experienced by people diagnosed with cancer.


A total of 29 (17 in 2017) participants were recruited through purposeful sampling. Participants underwent one 5Rhythms® session per week for 2 months. This qualitative study with a phenomenological approach used diaries and individual interviews as its methods for data collection. Data were analysed using Giorgi's phenomenological framework and Maurice Merleau-Ponty's theoretical perspectives on phenomenological approaches to the body, perception and consciousness were applied.


Three main themes (‘(now) I sense my entire body’, ‘Something liberating is happening inside my body’ and ‘We travel together’) and five connecting sub-themes were identified through the analysis process.


Participating in 5Rhythms® contributed to reconnecting body and soul during or after battling cancer. It evoked thoughts and feelings of existential matter. Results suggest that participating in 5Rhythms® can assist in personal growth. The benefit of being among peers while on the path to recovery was also illuminated. In regard to rehabilitation, this study underlines the importance of being aware of the connection between body and mind.




  Danseforeningen de 5Rytmer
CVR-nummer: 39623331

Fædrift 23, 7080 Børkop

Kontakt: Jan Redsted
Email: jan@redsted.dk