Åbne Waves og Q&A Sharings
Fredage i lige uger i Hvidbjerg
21. februar 2025... Klik her...
Denmark, Hvidbjerg 26. - 30.
march 2025
5Rhythms® 5 Days Intensive Waves workshop
Explore the wonders
and challenges of being rooted, centered and grounded, in
meeting others

Grounded in the waves of the
5Rhythms® practice this workshop is a call to be connected and
allow relationship to self, partner, groupenergy, humanity and
5Rhythms can be a strong
catalyst for change
This Intensive 5Rhythms Waves workshop aims us to be
grounded, rooted, centered and true to self in meeting others.
An invitation to hold and create space for eachother that is
safe to feel, express and move what arises. A moving meditation,
investigation and witnessing with attention and awareness. To
get out of the way and allow the shift of attention; from the
Dancer to the Dance, from moving to being moved.
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